Kategorija: World

Cene nafte prošle nedelje skočile više od 4,5 odsto

Na svetskim tržištima cene nafte prošle nedelje skočile više od 4,5 odsto jer je sve sigurnije da će OPEK (Organizacija zemalja izvoznica nafte) produžiti svoj dogovor o smanjenju proizvodnje za još devet...

If You’re After Off-Grid Luxury, this New Houseboat May Float Your Boat

A new floating home combines the United Arab Emirates' (UAE's) penchant for the finer things in life with Dutch maritime engineering expertise. The Waterlovt is aimed at providing its owners with all...

IHS Names SMA, SolarEdge, Schneider Electric, Sungrow, Huawei and ABB as Leaders in PV Inverter Supplier Scorecard

SMA, SolarEdge, Schneider Electric, Sungrow, Huawei and ABB were all identified as solar photovoltaic (PV) inverter industry leaders with above average scores for both market presence and market momentum, according to an...

A Thirst for Power: The Water-Energy Nexus

We all know that when you mix water and electricity, the results are shocking, but there’s an important connection between the two that goes beyond the potential for bathroom tragedy. But here’s what’s...
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